# Google says don't use this script: https://twitter.com/methode/status/783733724655517696 # This script is a violation of Google Terms of Service. Don't use it. import requests import csv import os import time from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.parse import urlencode seconds = input('Enter number of seconds to wait between URL checks: ') output = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), input('Enter a filename (minus file extension): ')+'.csv') urlinput = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), input('Enter input text file: ')) urls = open(urlinput, "r") proxies = { 'https' : 'https://localhost:8123', 'http' : 'http://localhost:8123' } user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36' headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent} f = csv.writer(open(output, "w+", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8")) f.writerow(["URL", "Indexed"]) for line in iter(urls): query = {'q': 'info:' + line} google = "https://www.google.com/search?" + urlencode(query) data = requests.get(google, headers=headers, proxies=proxies) data.encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' soup = BeautifulSoup(str(data.content), "html.parser") try: check = soup.find(id="rso").find("div").find("div").find("h3").find("a") href = check['href'] f.writerow([line,"True"]) print(line + " is indexed!") except AttributeError: f.writerow([line,"False"]) print(line + " is NOT indexed!") print("Waiting " + str(seconds) + " seconds until checking next URL.\n") time.sleep(float(seconds)) urls.close() INDIA'S TECHNOLOGY Best Online Business Without Qualifications Work From Home

Best Online Business Without Qualifications Work From Home

                    How To Earn Money From Online - Internet Home Jobs 

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There are many ways to start online business as a part time and full time as well. let me tell what are they.

Start Blogging / Be a Content Creator.

Blogging a article marketing job, blogging is a free platform named BLOGGER its a product of google which is easy. No need to invest in a blogging. Blogger has free themes and free hosting. you need to start blogging according to your Niche
Blogging not so easy nor hard. you need to understand what purpose you're starting a blog. People do searches on google for trending topics. 
what is Niche? 
Niche is a category such as Tech, Fashion, Cooking, Education, Science, News , Gaming and more.

Blogger and WordPress are the Platforms for blogging.

Be A Content Creator In YouTube.

You can start Posting your videos on YouTube which absolutely free.Show your talent/ skill on YouTube. without any Equipment, every one has there own Smart Phones. You can use Camera of Smart Phone after that improve your quality by using DSLR Camera. You Don;t need to waste your money on any Equipment start with your mobile, lots of sucessful Youtubers started with there Mobiles.

Become A Freelancher.

Freelanching is a quite good job you don't need to have  any experience and no need to invest any money. You just need to write a articles based on your consumers. Yes, its a article writing job. Personal Compute or Laptop is necessary for being Freelancher. there are lot of websites and many are  hiring Freelanchers.

Start Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is known as Product Reselling. Being a Reseller you get the commissions. You start Affiliate Marketing on Social Medias and Blogs. its free of cost. Amazon, Flipkart,  has best Affiliate Marketing Programs get paid by there commissions if any consumer purchase a product from your Affiliate link you get some commission from there product.

Start Being a Event Manager

Event Manager is nothing but hosting events to any location. managing events we can get paid.
For this you need to have some experience in managing. but don't worry qualifications are not mandatory. Take a Part in many events like Birthday, Studio event and many. Same like hotel management.

Start Selling Your Skill On Fiverr.

Yes, you can sell and get paid on Fiverr but wait you need to have some skills like Graphic designing, Interior Designing, Photoshop and any other skills. its free but it takes much time to get paid. you can sell multiple times.

Start Building SEO Consultancy Website.

In Seo Consultancy you need to have much experience on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) its a tool which makes website rank higher. You get paid through making consumers website at ranking. If you make  there website rank higher you  may get paid. lots a people don;t know about ranking website so here it is high opportunity.

Working in Data Entry Job.

There are many website you can work with them as a writer. Data Entry website pays every hour, if you write or fill there data. you are the worker for entering data helping them to finish there work quicker. You get paid for every single file. its free of cost.

Digital Marketing For E-Commerce Websites.

In this Technology world there are many online stores. many E-commerce  website builder sells  third Party products or there own products online. You need to have experience on Google ADS. help them in advertising products. E-commerce is known as purchasing a product online but because of high competition many will not get visitors, so with Digital Marketing it is easy to preview products on first page by advertising them.
These are the best low budget online business with some strategies . work from home online business.
comment down what online business you gonna start in this year.

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